Over the last couple of weeks I have had a bit of a 'thing' for making my girls OOAK (one of a kind) dresses using a combination of new and re-purposed fabric and vintage doilies ( and
this pattern), they really love it as you can well imagine! They are completely involved in the designing process, which means they end up with a dress that is all there own and they completely love! Here are two favourites, coincidentally they both have a bird theme....
sorry both unironed....!
Anyway, I thought it was time to make one for........ME!!
I was feeling a great lack of comfortable summer wear during our recent heat wave so I did some Googling for a pattern that wasn't too fussy and came across
this one.
After my last dress failure (wrong style, I looked like a hippo??) I had been a bit nervous about attempting something for myself again so I was over joyed when I found it, because it was very similar to one I had already, so I knew it would look ok!!
I ended up making two dresses... I started with the blue one so if I needed to make any adjustments I would know for the black one, black is my favorite color!
I *did* make a few changes (of course, I can't help myself)
- I made the dress' WAY shorter, the original was down to my ankles which was longer than I wanted this time.
- I didn't do any hemming, I just zig zagged instead which left the skirt much flowier and the top of the bodice less ruffly (yes I am making up my own words).
- I also made the pockets (I LOVE pockets!) about 1/4 less deep. I am a lady not an ape! plus for them to be in the right position for my hands they would have nearly poked out the bottom of the dress and we can't have that :)
- Blue has straps, while the black doesn't......
Here's a look at the blue one on....sorry for the dark photo (awnings are down on the windows!)

The shirring on the bodice is easier than you think, just follow the simple instructions and you will be fine. I did have a couple of sweary moments when it wouldn't work properly, but only because when I changed the bobbin I hadn't it hadn't threaded properly and it took me a minute to figure out what was going on! ...and then some unpicking.... The only downfall to the shirring is it takes some time to do, I did each dress in a few sittings because it made my arms ache! I will definitely do it again, its very effective.
What a cute model!
I am already thinking I could dress up the black one with a cute necklace and fancy shoes and look half decent (and super comfy!) to go out!
and then you could embellish one with embroidery or fabric flowers ...and and and.........
see what goes on in my head!! Its scary!
Next on my agenda is a super glamorous sunhat.....all hats look ridiculous on me so I will just aim for one that keeps me cool and shady..... :)
I would love to know what creativity is going on in this sunny weather (or not so sunny weather depending on which side of the world you're on!)
What are YOU up to??
Jacq :)