Thursday, October 4, 2012

My Hometown

I like where we live. 

Its a small community filled with such a diverse range of people. 

From farmers to professional types to families with children.

The love of my town and the love of making stuff has had me working on a secret project!

It was something I had contemplated.

And contemplated some more.

I spent time talking to my friends and neighbours about it. 

And I contemplated.

 Then with a bit of encouragement from a friend (thanks Chelle!) 

I decided to go ahead.....  I wanted to organise a market in our town. 

Sounds easy doesn't it? 

It took about 6 months of wading through red tape and paperwork.

Yes. 6 months.

But we did it! I can happily and proudly (and with some relief!) announce that the picturesque apple growing town of Harcourt will now have its own market! A market full of hand made, home grown goodness! 

What do you like to buy at Markets??

Jacq :)