Thursday, October 4, 2012

My Hometown

I like where we live. 

Its a small community filled with such a diverse range of people. 

From farmers to professional types to families with children.

The love of my town and the love of making stuff has had me working on a secret project!

It was something I had contemplated.

And contemplated some more.

I spent time talking to my friends and neighbours about it. 

And I contemplated.

 Then with a bit of encouragement from a friend (thanks Chelle!) 

I decided to go ahead.....  I wanted to organise a market in our town. 

Sounds easy doesn't it? 

It took about 6 months of wading through red tape and paperwork.

Yes. 6 months.

But we did it! I can happily and proudly (and with some relief!) announce that the picturesque apple growing town of Harcourt will now have its own market! A market full of hand made, home grown goodness! 

What do you like to buy at Markets??

Jacq :)


  1. That is SO exciting! Congratulations and well done! What do I like to buy at markets? Hmmm, good question. Plants, nice bread/cakes etc plus something I can eat there while I look around, I can't think what else, I'll give it more thought. Organic fruit and veggies?
    BTW, do you know if there are any soap making classes in the area? I've got a real hankering to make my own soap!

    1. Yes, I like to buy all those things too! (and coffee!)I love plants at the market.... Soap eh? Not that I know of, but you could always check with the community house?
      Google is always a great place to learn things :)

      I am looking forward to the market, its been a long time coming :)

  2. I love to buy curry puffs!! Lol, you know the ones I mean!!
    Well done Jacq, you have set the wheels in motion then with hours and hours and many months of hard work on your behalf, here it is coming to life in the next few weeks! So glad one of your wonderful dreams has come to life, wishing you nothing but success in this venture my love xx

    1. oh yeh, mmmmm curry puffs.....mmmmmmm

      Thanks Chelle :) XX

  3. Go you! What a cool thing that your dream and hard work has provided a chance for makers and bakers and growers to showcase their products and for so many shoppers to browse and buy handmade and home grown goodness, keeping and bringing people to your town. Win, win, win! You should be very proud. Unfortunately for my thighs, I like to buy a plate of those little tiny Dutch pancakey things.

  4. he he! yes I like those too! are they just like regular pancake with a better pancake to yummy topping ratio than normal?? lol

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