Well its not a very spectacular update today.
While I was digging the posts for our garden I discovered that it would have been far more sensible to extend the edge of the garden a couple of feet over, right up to the concrete, if I didn't I would be left with a trip of coochy dirt to contend with.....
'I'll just dig that bit out' I said to myself
Hours and hours later....
This is all I had achieved! |
I found that much stuff in there! carpet, hoses, plant pots, pruning shears, more plant pots, old metal pipes...a spoon....and of course cooch....all in that little strip!
It was slow progress which stopped me from any other more interesting jobs!
But on a happier garden note, these are some of my very ordinary Hellebores that I am 'collecting'. I have been trying to fill a small area with them but they are expensive. I only buy them when they are a bargin, at markets etc. Aren't they just a beautiful burst of cheeriness in winter?
One last picture I wanted to share with you was from this mornings sunrise.. spectacular!
- “Like a red morn that ever yet betokened,
- Wreck to the seaman, tempest to the field,
- Sorrow to the shepherds, woe unto the birds,
- Gusts and foul flaws to herdmen and to herds.”
- ~Shakespere
- joining in with Rach from Squiggly Rainbow
- How is your garden going? Any signs of spring yet??
- Jacq :)
so excited for Spring... those Hellebores... they will seed you know and keep on spreading! So pretty - they match the sunset! xx
ReplyDeleteMe too....I am starting to feel spring coming...just a little!
DeleteMine haven't seeded yet? They always get covered by a heap of liquid amber leaves (which I always intend on thinning out but never ge around to) maybe that stops the little seeds?
ooooooo I love those beautiful flowers. I think they are my favourite. Forgot to tell you we planted the pansies in that little garden beside the sandpit, those little girls worked really hard- Rachael, Beatrice and Sammy.
ReplyDeleteAlways worth an early morning to capture a beautiful sunrise.
Its a good spot there!
DeleteThe trench looks like a nasty job. You must of been pretty weary after that. It will be worth it though. Hellebores are such a pretty and happy flower to soften the winter glum.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful sunset.
Have a great week.
It was hard work! Reminded me of exactly why I had the digger come and do it all in the first place.
DeleteI forgot to mention I also broke a spade doing it LOL